Review before you resolve

It’s that time again. We are past the end of the year festivities, and thoughts turn toward future aspirations.

Before you craft that vision board though, I’m going to encourage you to pause and take stock of your progress of the past year.

What got done? What got better? What went well? Leave out “well, except…” qualifying statements. I don’t want to hear where your brain says you came up short. Give yourself credit for what you accomplished.

Then, and only then, go ahead and think about what you will strive for next.

Here’s a few of mine.

We got a Peloton treadmill in October. I am on a 16 week streak (was using the app before the equipment purchase), and have completed 27 runs and 3 tread bootcamps, and a bunch of yoga or stretching sessions, walks, even a few meditations. And that’s with having to slow down for a few weeks after a bad fall at Thanksgiving!

I’ve had 544 consecutive days of meditation with Insight Timer.

I am steadily approaching level 35 in Pokémon Go in under 11 months. (And that was under duress, my son literally took my phone and created an account for me so he could have someone to play with in real life ðŸ˜‚)

I published 15 blog posts. (This surprises me, I just counted and was sure it was far fewer!)

There’s plenty of other things to measure, and honestly taking time just now to do this is getting me much more excited to cast a vision for 2022. 

Were these numbers my goals? Heck no! But I really would not have guessed correctly if you asked me how well I had done. 

Please take time to acknowledge all the things you did. And then when you feel that spark rekindling, see yourself in your mind’s eye excited to take the next steps.

My desires for 2022?

I have a number of blog drafts for waiting for me. And So. Many. More. Ideas.  I want to devote more time to writing, on at least an every two weeks basis. 

I’m aiming for the January activity and running challenges on Peloton. I should get bronze in running (10+ miles) and gold in activity (20 active days).

Top on my reading pile:  Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World.

I have just as many work-in-progress or waiting-to-be-started craft endeavors as blog posts. I’m counting on Eve Rodsky's book (above) to nudge me to get back to those.

My list of things for my member area on this website is also extensive. I have fun doing this and I’m going to give myself the gift of focused time, especially this winter.

I would love to hear about your review. What are you proud of, or surprised to realize you accomplished?


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