Whenever Possible Say Yes
I'm at the stage of “August got me” again this year.  I have a couple of stretches each year that I think of as my “treadmill” times – I’m walking and there’s no stop button for about a month, just More and More and More and Keep Going! 
Total honesty, this is because of things I have put on my own calendar and absolutely do not want to take off. But as we all know, wanting to do all the things does not make them any less exhausting. My ability to soak up all that our short summer offers and stay rested is a work in progress
In 2018 – 2019 we had a six month stretch of So Much Loss.  Five deaths of family and friends. Two were very untimely, people in their 40s, one from cancer and one from depression. In the middle of all of this, the family home of over 50 years was sold, releasing an anchor that had been there all my life.
I barely kept my head above water at work. I had to miss performing in two chorus concerts in a row and then was back in just one time before COVID shut that down for two years.
There’s nothing like deep and repeated grief to give a person reason to think about everything. It was in this time that I decided my new mantra would be:
whenever possible, say yes.
Yes to travel; to time with loved ones that we’d been “too busy” to see more than briefly; to spontaneous adventures and pushing myself to see if I was “really too tired” for after work outings. Yes to staying up late to try to spot meteors; to getting up early to climb the hill; to more weekend plans when my nature is to retreat to the quiet home.
I do not regret a single one of the things above I said “yes” to.
As time has passed, my thoughts about “yes” have progressed.  I began to say yes to more physical needs: meditating every day, investing in the Peloton treadmill, room in the budget for supplements that made me realize how far I was pushing my body without giving myself what I need to thrive.
I started this blog because I found myself saying the same things so many times at work, I figured others probably need to hear them as well.  I wasn’t sure who I was writing for, other than myself because writing is a great way to refine what I’m thinking.
As we approach the three-year anniversary of the beginning of that hard season, I know that I want others to benefit from how I’ve learned to say yes.
My website name has been changed to align with my mission: to help you declare Your Time For Yes. Specifically, yes to self-care and intentional living. Caring for your body today so it can keep you adventuring for as long as possible. Caring for your emotions through community and connection. Caring for your spirit because unfortunately there is no doubt that hard times will come and when that happens, having something to guide and buoy us helps immensely.
So stay tuned, I’m here to nudge, urge, and cheer you to your Yes.

1 Comment

  1. Yay, Sue.
    Love that you are doing this.
    Like having conversations with you between actual ones.
    Please do continue.
    Susan Malcolm AUTHOR  08/24/2022 07:47 AM Central
    Thanks Jo! That’s what I hope, that this can be the conversations between the conversations, thanks for putting it that way, I love it!

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