Do you have January-itis?
Something I’ve noticed with my job over the years is sensing “something in the air” affecting people isn't just made up. When it’s midweek and I’ve had the same conversation half a dozen or more times, I have been known to boldly declare that something is in transit or retrograde, because too many of us are in the same place.

This week, something I talked a lot about is having “the Januarys.”  We are moving slowly, our energy is lower, and there can be a strong draw to “nesting.”   Maybe it’s the post-holiday fallout, or we finally are tired of looking at that same clutter, but it’s not uncommon to be cleaning shelves and rearranging furniture.  I shifted everything on my desk so that I’m two feet to the right, because I got tired of being overly toasty from sitting above the baseboard heater. Now I have to figure out how to function with everything to the left of my computer, when I'm veryveryvery right handed.
I’m also prone to unbelievable urges to get rid of about two thirds of the STUFF in our house.  This is not met with enthusiasm by other household residents, so I have to approach with caution and with careful timing.
We are halfway through meteorological winter here in the north, we’ve gained about an hour of daylight, but it’s also the coldest time of year.  If you aren’t into winter sports, or the bare ground is frustrating your skiing, cabin fever can set in. Throw in a pandemic and I can’t use my usual “get out and go somewhere new” advice. I like to send folks to greenhouses to smell the soil, or urge comfort food potluck dinners.  This year...I'm hoping everyone just stays home so we are all around to emerge come spring.

The Januarys can be annoying for many, but for folks this year who are already maxed out from isolation or stress, it’s been even more pronounced.
This is a good time to pull out all the stops.  Any positive coping skill you have, whether it’s rereading a favorite book for the umpteenth time, ordering way more seeds than is realistic because it helps you look toward gardening weather, or hauling unbelievable amounts of stuff to the thrift store, no judgment.


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