Some Favorite Quotes, and Reflections on Languishing
Do you collect quotes like I do?
I’ve done this for years.  I have notebooks and digital documents full.  
And now…they are on my phone.  It’s so easy to grab a photo file from social media! I was actually organizing them the other day and decided to share a few that speak to me right now:
You are not a machine. You are more like a garden. You need different things on different days. A little sun today, a little less water tomorrow. You have fallow and fruitful seasons. It is not a design flaw. What does your garden need today? - @joynessthebrave
And don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in the winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous. – Rumi
Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself. – Tara Stiles

Sensing the theme?  With all the messages about how to achieve balance and consistency, it's so important to have the reminder that, usually, balance happens over time, and that figuring out today's needs may beat doing the same thing each day.

I'm curious, is anyone else just recently realizing they had a pretty hard winter and spring?  I mean I know the world did, but as someone lucky to be at home and safe over the past year and a half, it was just recently that I realized everything built up and had a bigger impact than I had registered.

A friend shared last month she realized she had felt both "raw and burnt."  That really spoke to me.  

I think what really made me aware was when I didn't get my usual burst of energy that comes with the longer days of spring.  Right into summer, I've had a certain amount of lethargy. Some people identified this as languishing, like in this article.

It's early July and I am finally getting the boost that I'm used to in May.  I'm on vacation which certainly helps, but I was careful this past year to take the same number of vacations even when we couldn't go anywhere.  

The article above talks about "finding your flow" to get out of the languishing whirlpool.  I certainly was not in flow most of the winter.  

Steps I've taken in recent weeks: 

I went to a watercolor painting class with friends, taught by a friend.  (So good to finally be all vaccinated and able to do this!) Painting is very outside my comfort zone and doing something so new jazzed me up. If you are in her New Hampshire neighborhood, consider a workshop with Martina Cyr!

I led an Aroma Freedom class with some Young Living friends, and then last week I finally made quiet time to do a session for myself.  AF combines aromatherapy with neurolinguistic processing (my favorite psychotherapy tool) to shake loose some unhelpful thinking patterns.  

Have you experienced the languishing, and how are you figuring out what the garden you are needs right now?

Part of my flow this season is teaching again.  If you need some help with some limiting thoughts, would you like to do an Aroma Freedom class?  Shoot me a message, we can make it happen.


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