Sometimes Self Care is Systems
Self-care is often a very unbeautiful thing.  I came across a meme of the beginning of this linked blog post, and just made time to track it down because I wanted to credit the author.  It’s everything, so start by reading it real fast, but then come back here, okay?
I am at the end of an at-home week with no scheduled client appointments.
I am not really calling it a vacation, because I actually did a lot of work. And it felt SO SATISFYING.
Have you ever heard, “you need to make time to work ON your business, as well as work IN your business”?   
I’ve not been great with that.  Various reasons – financial, “not enough time to do everything,” all the reasons we tell ourselves.  And if I’m honest, procrastination too, because if I don’t have time to do it “perfectly,” I tell myself I have to wait until I have time.
My theme right now is updating my systems.  I need ways to automate some of the most important things that haven’t been getting done.
I have some systems that work really well, like keeping up with my checkbook, bills, making my bed and doing morning meditation, and brushing my teeth at night.  They happen by muscle memory; I don’t have to think to make it happen.
I have a few systems that really needed work though.  Staying on top of some work paperwork, and the piles of household papers that, despite my best efforts, grow out of control.  Getting my sneakers on my feet, and my body out the door for a walk.  Business bookkeeping, and also making time to write this blog and put in my member area all the super information I want my customers to have.  
I spend a lot of time reading, thinking, watching things to absorb information, and I’m feeling very called to share with you all the most interesting bits.  It’s fun for me, and energizing.  I hope once I hit “publish” it’s of value to someone out there, too.
But it takes time, and I need to be intentional, or it doesn’t happen.
So, this week was more of a retreat, which I’ve wanted for a long time.  Yes, some R & R happened (it was also school vacation for my 7th grader), but my biggest takeaway is making time for the birds-eye view.   Kind of like planning a garden, which is also a skill I’m developing. You can just throw seeds in the ground, but it seems like most good gardeners keep journals and think out the rows ahead of time.
And like gardening, systems work best when you work with the weather and climate.  You can start seeds inside on heat mats, but not too early.   Watering is best morning and evening, not so great in the heat of the day.
I have been tracking when I’m the most productive and when it’s an internal wrestling match to get things accomplished. When I work with my natural energy variations, the work itself flows.   Who’d have thought??
What are your systems?   Are they working for you or are you in dire need of creating or revamping?  

Last thing - early in my career, I had a wonderful supervisor give this advice: when you are finishing one vacation you should be planning the next one.  This makes sense in so many ways, and I am putting my next "work ON my business" day on the calendar now.  (My intention is that it won't need to be a week again if I take a day a month to check in.)

1 Comment

  1. Lovely reflections- listening to our body rhythms with compassion.
    Restful states allow for creative thought to germinate.

    Thank you

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